A Beautiful School Romance: The Sweet Love Story 致我们甜甜的小美满 Chinese Drama 2020
Title: 致我们甜甜的小美满 / Zhi wo men tian tian de xiao mei man
English title: The Sweet Love Story
Genre: Romance, Youth
Episodes: 24
Broadcast network: Tencent
Broadcast period: 2020

A youthful love between Zhou Wei, a beautiful student of literature and Zhao Pan Zhou, a medical student with a cold and distant appearance, but who really has a very warm heart. Both will fight to keep their love on a tour where they will meet new friends.

The sweet little story of ours is based on Zhao Qiangan's novel "The Boat and the Beginning"

Gong Jun as Zhao Fanzhou
Liu Ren Yu as Zhou Xiao
Li Ge Yang as Cai Yasi
Wan Yan Luo Rong as Xie Yixing
An Yong Chang as Zhu Lu
Gao Qiu Xin as Tao Ling

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