FanArt De Fire Emblem Heroes Spectacular Artwork Illustrations of Fire Emblem Heroes and more

FanArt De Fire Emblem Heroes Spectacular Artwork Illustrations of Fire Emblem Heroes

Enjoy this gallery of beautiful illustrations of Fire Emblem Heroes, a free-to-play tactical RPG. highly recommended.

The long-running hit Fire Emblem series comprises strategy/role-playing games with deep tactical elements and depth that increases with every move you make. As you progress through the story, you will meet and bid farewell to many allies.

If you are a fan of Fire Emblem, I recommend you collect these precious amiibos figures.

Fire Emblem is a series of tactical role-playing video games developed by Intelligent Systems and published by Nintendo. Its first game released in Japan in 1990, and is credited with both originating and popularizing its genre. Counting original mainline games, remakes and spin-off titles, fifteen titles have been released as of 2016. Since the release of the seventh game in the series, Nintendo has localized all but one Fire Emblem title for the West. Traditionally a hardcore series, incorporating permanent character death for units who fall in battle, the series has trended towards opening up to casual gamers beginning with Fire Emblem Awakening in 2012.

If you like jrpg. You definitely have to try some Fire Emblem games. Some of the best below (Click on the image to go to the store):

Thank you very much for visiting Licena Hill. Have fun playing Fire Emblem and collecting figures. Soon I will make a post of the cosplays of this great JRPG.

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